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Aside from some bugs, this was really good. 

Thanks! If you don’t mind, can you tell me a couple of the bugs you experienced?


When the bell rang the first time, I think it was chapter 2 or 3, I'm not too sure, the audio for the bell would continue into the scene at Gurley with Oscar and Kevin at the gun store until the zombie noise. It stopped when I scrolled back and would not come back unless you reload before the scene. Also in that scene the images of Brandon Finn and Nev appeared in the top right before fading into where they are supposed to go. There is also a rollback error I encountered, here is what it said:

 “game/script.rpy” line 1879, in script

 scene huntsvillealley with fade (0.1) 

Typeerror: Fade() missing 2 required positional arguments: ‘hold_time’ and ‘in_time’

That's about all the bugs I remember encountering. 


Yeah, the sprite issue is most likely from the simulated lighting thing I’m trying to add in. Whenever I put dissolve it does that sometimes, gonna try and fix it next update.


Haven't started reading this yet, praying this is a FVN which gives me major character death :D

Deleted 116 days ago

Hi uh just a question, the download button doesn't seem to be on your Itch Page, may I ask when it'll be back?

might be a bug from me trying to post an update, just a sec lol

Yep, problem solved!


It has an interesting story although I saw a few bugs in the character sprites but it's not that bad.

I might suggest that you change the background of the page here to match the color I usually see on your FVN, which I think is cream.

Good luck and I look forward to the next story update :]


I decided to try changing the color to cream, how’s it look?


It looks more remarkable.

So it's okay for now 👍


Honestly gotta agree with you guys its a shame that this VN has gone under the radar. I'm loving to so far and cant wait to see what else is brought to the table


It's good for the new chapter it left me his voice there was a lot of action honestly nothing to say just a bit of a shame that there's a bit of a lack of community on this VN 😦

(1 edit)

Thanks! I thought the zombies weren’t playing enough of a role, so for build 5 I decided to add a few more scenes involving them lol




Nice third part of the update, I hope there will be a 4th part to come :)


It was kinda a joke since I have 3 updates labeled “tiny update.”

Build 4 is shorter than the others, but it didn’t take a year lol


lol :)


It's not that bad, I really liked part 3 with the mechanics. The time to act to avoid losing the game
